Stephen Miller
1 Year Member
Member Since: 2024

Professional Bio
- PL and XO A/3-63 ADA (Avenger/Stinger) 10th Mountain - Drum and Afghanistan
- XO C/3-43 ADA (Patriot) - Ft Bliss
- Batter Commander, A/2-6 ADA - Ft. Bliss
- Embedded Maneuver Trained (MTT) - 3-18-5 IA - Diyala Iraq
- XO to the Deputy Commander for Research, Development and Acquisition and Assistant Program Manger for the Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle - USASMDC - (Redstone/Afghanistan)
- Chief, Soldier Systems - Maneuver CDID - Moore
- Department of the Army Systems Coordinator for Long Range Fires and Air and Missile Defense programs - ASA(ALT) - Pentagon
- Lead Budget and Execution Analyst - ASA(ALT) / DASA-PPR - Pentagon
- Microsoft TWI Fellow - NCR
- Board Select Product Manager, Soldier Protective Equipment - PEO Soldier - Belvoir
- XO C/3-43 ADA (Patriot) - Ft Bliss
- Batter Commander, A/2-6 ADA - Ft. Bliss
- Embedded Maneuver Trained (MTT) - 3-18-5 IA - Diyala Iraq
- XO to the Deputy Commander for Research, Development and Acquisition and Assistant Program Manger for the Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle - USASMDC - (Redstone/Afghanistan)
- Chief, Soldier Systems - Maneuver CDID - Moore
- Department of the Army Systems Coordinator for Long Range Fires and Air and Missile Defense programs - ASA(ALT) - Pentagon
- Lead Budget and Execution Analyst - ASA(ALT) / DASA-PPR - Pentagon
- Microsoft TWI Fellow - NCR
- Board Select Product Manager, Soldier Protective Equipment - PEO Soldier - Belvoir
