Richard Clarke Goodwin

Sr Tech Advisor for Cybersecurity

Lifetime Member

Member Since: 2021

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Photo of Richard Clarke Goodwin

Professional Bio

Dr Goodwin is the Senior Technical Advisor for Cybersecurity in the MDA Engineering Directorate. Director, Communications and Electronics Division, USNATO; principal advisor to the US PermRep to NATO Defense Advisor, Deputy DEFAD, and Director, Armaments Directorate. Led US participation for strategic/tactical C4I, electronic warfare, air defense, SATCOM, and cyber security (2019-2020). In MDA (2009-2019), Dr. Goodwin served as: Senior Technical Advisor for Cybersecurity; Lead Engineer for Homeland Defense Radars; Director Tri-Service Cell for the C2BMC Program, coordinating Service-MDA IAMD architecture, training, and development; Chief of the Program Integration Division defined BMDS capability delivery/warfighter acceptance process. After a distinguished military career, Dr. Goodwin served at SHAPE on all US/Allied EAD working groups, drafted EAD Mission Need Statement, directed counter-proliferation studies, DTRA's Counter-proliferation ACTD. For AEGIS (1995-2006), he led IAMD analysis with services/Allies on BMC4I and conducted advanced warfighting. Chief, DTRA Strategic and Conventional Forces Branch (2001), and directed RDT&E supporting conventional/strategic nuclear arms control, inter-agency/-governmental non-proliferation. He was the Head of Delegation for US-Russian CBMs. In 2002, he served Navy’s AEGIS Training and Readiness Center as a Senior Systems Engineer. In 2003, Dr. Goodwin was USSTRATCOM Global Missile Defense Analyst. He created joint missile defense training system, drafted operational concepts and requirements, and planned global wargames/ exercises. He drafted the first Joint Capabilities Document and Military Utility Assessment. Lt Col Goodwin, USMA, was commissioned in the Air Force in 1971. He progressed thru the ranks, serving at Squadron, Wing, Air Staff, and Interagency levels and held military specializations in scientific research, engineering development, operational planning, and nuclear weapons development.
Photo of Richard Clarke Goodwin



