Aaron Hrdlicka


Lifetime Member

Member Since: 2022

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Photo of Aaron Hrdlicka

Professional Bio

CPT Aaron M. Hrdlicka was born in Colorado Springs, CO, on August 3, 1986. In 2004, he enlisted in the United States Army. After completing OSUT, CPT Hrdlicka was assigned to Bravo Battery, 3/320th Field Artillery Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. While serving in the 3rd BCT, “Rakassans,” CPT Hrdlicka deployed to Tikrit, Iraq, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as a Gunner in a mobilized rifle battalion. In 2007, CPT Hrdlicka returned to Iraq with 3/320th FAR. In 2010, CPT Hrdlicka deployed again with 3/320th FAR, this time in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as a Howitzer Section Chief in Eastern Afghanistan. During this deployment, he was recognized by the Army Chief of Staff for excellent danger close fires resulting in 23 enemy KIA and the mission's overall success. He also earned the 3/320th FAR 2010 Non-commissioned Officer of the Year. In 2013, CPT Hrdlicka reported to Vilseck, Germany, to serve as a Gunnery Sergeant in Fox Troop, 2/2CR and deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan. He culminated as a Platoon Sergeant before being selected for commissioning under the Army’s Green to Gold program.
Upon commissioning, he stayed in the Fires Community as a Second Lieutenant in Air Defense Artillery. Upon graduation from the Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC), he reported to 3-2 ADA BN as a Platoon Leader. CPT Hrdlicka was hand-picked to serve as the Battery Executive Officer in November 2017. In April 2018, 3-2 ADA deployed to the UAE. CPT Hrdlicka was assigned to the 3-2 ADA BN S3 upon returning to Fort Sill, OK. During this time, CPT Hrdlicka also completed the THAAD follow-on course, which resulted in being assigned as the Battery Executive Officer for 14th Missile Defense Battery (MDB) in Japan. In September 2020, CPT Hrdlicka returned to Fort Sill to attend ADACCC. After ADACCC, CPT Hrdlicka became the Assistant Battalion Operations Officer for 2-44 ADA in Fort Campbell, KY. In February of 2022, CPT Hrdlicka assumed command of A/2-44 ADA.
Photo of Aaron Hrdlicka



